Scar Revision
Improve the Appearance of Scars and Striae
Scars can be treated in a variety ways with Aerolase laser technology. The Era is used to ablate skin along incision lines, post-suturing, to minimize raised scar formation, and to resurface scar tissue. LightPod 1064nm lasers are used to remove vascularity and other pigmentation from existing scars to make them less noticeable.
Two distinct modalities to minimize & reduce appearance of scars
Ability to tailor treatment to scar type
Improves both skin texture and pigment
This treatment works best with comodalities such as microneedling and PRP*
Before and After
It is recommended that the patient receives 3–4 treatments.
Typically, the more pigment or vasculature the scar contains the more treatment sessions may be needed. While there may be noticeable improvement after just one treatment, multiple treatment sessions may be needed to sufficiently eradicate the color.
One treatment should be performed every 3–4 weeks.
You may return to your normal activities immediately after treatment and could notice an improvement over the next 3–4 weeks but generally will see results after 2–3 sessions. If no change occurs, the next treatment session will need to utilize a higher fluence for a more dramatic improvement.
There is a mild sensation of heat that is very tolerable. A slight pinching feeling may occur when using higher fluences with the 2mm lens. This is one of the key technical break- throughs of Aerolase technology! The Neo Elite has set a new standard for virtually pain-free treatment, even on darker skin types, thanks to MicroPulse-1064 technology. This unique benefit saves time, cost and mess by eliminating gels and sprays required by other lasers that cool the skin during treatment.
Actually, the Neo Elite is the safest laser in the industry for darker skin types or tanned skin. This is because of MicroPulse-1064 technology, which essentially eliminates treatment pain while minimizing the chances of hyper- and/ or hypo- pigmentation. Patients with skin types IV–VI should be treated very cautiously, especially in the facial region, as they pose a higher risk of having hyper- and/or hypo- pigmentations.
Those who are sunburned or have irritated skin in the sites to be treated
Those who are exhibiting unidentified skin conditions in the sites to be treated
Those who have healed poorly after other types of laser treatments
Patients prone to skin discoloration
Patients who are taking photosensitizing medication, such as Accutane, should consider discontinuing the medication 6 months before treatment
Patients who are taking topical Retin-A, patients should wait 2 weeks before treatment
Don’t apply laser energy to any raised lesions, aside from purely red ones i.e. angiomas; other lesions should first be checked by a dermatologist
Patients who are sunburned should wait until the burn subsides. Herpes Simplex Labialis (fever blisters) can be activated by laser treatment, especially on the upper lip, and patients with a tendency for fever blistering can be started on antiviral medication before treatment.