Let us help soften stubborn forehead and frown lines, reduce trapezius tension and jaw clenching, reduce lower face jowling, as well as armpit sweating utilizing Neurotoxin.
Product selection is customized towards your needs and
typically lasts 4-6 months!
Treatments by Area
Lip Flip
Upper and Lower Face
Full Face
Nefertiti Neck Lift
Armpit Sweating
Migraine Treatment
*upcharges apply for Daxxify
*Please note that if you are a new client, must book an aesthetics consult. Pricing is determined based area, not by unit, and touch ups are always complimentary!*

Dermal fillers are gel-like substances that consist of hyaluronic acid or collagen stimulating biostimulators. Hyaluronic dermal fillers assist to restore facial volume and balance while biostimulators, assist in stimulating collagen and support the aging bone structure.
Treatments by area
Lip Filler
Lip Filler with Lower Face Framing
Four Point Lift (Cheeks/Jawline)
For full facial rejuvenation, please click here
to learn about facial balancing.
Please note that we do not charge by syringe as we are looking to achieve
global balance while restoring facial structure.
If you are a new client and interested in filler,
you must book an aesthetics consult prior to injections.